Friday, July 16, 2010

Educational Leaders: The Power of Blogging

Blogging can be used by educational leaders in a sense as a way to bounce ideas off each other. It is a place where people with similar interest, in this case educational leaders can learn from each other. That is known as synergy. Synergy is defined as: the working together of two or more people, organizations, or things, especially when the result is greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities. With blogging the educational leaders would use thier individual capabilities and create in a sense a super leader. Blogging is just a resource for educational leaders to tap into other peoples ideas, and possibly use for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Adolfo. This is Dede Dietzmann from EDLD 5301. I like your idea of a "Super Leader". Blogging is a great way for administrators to communicate, especially with the lack of time for face-to-face discussions. With blogging a topic can be revisited or reflected upon at a later time.
